【今を生きる人合唱団-Imaoikiruhito Resonance Harmony-日本初公演】
『新たな出発 花咲く宇宙のその先へ』指揮: 谷孝祐
◯2021年 5月4日(火・祝) 長野県白馬村 ウイング21ホール
◯プログラム: 「ひとつの朝(混声3部)」「COSMOS(混声)3部」ほか
◯14:30開場 15:00開演 無料(全席自由) ※ご入場にはご予約が必要です。下記のご予約フォームからお申し込みください。
◯ご予約フォーム: https://bit.ly/3rUX2hn
◯お電話・お問い合わせ: 080-4147-1680 (平日16時〜20時)

【Imaoikiruhito Resonance Harmony -Japan Premier-】
“New Voyage: A Blooming Cosmos and Beyond” Compser: Kosuke Tani
◯2021 Tuesday, May 4 Nagano Prefecture, Hakuba Village ウイング21ホール
◯Program: Hitotsuno Asa, COSMOS, and others
◯Open:14:30 Start: 15:00 All seats free (reservation required)
◯Reservation form: https://bit.ly/3rUX2hn
◯Contact: 080-4147-1680 (weekdays 16:00-20:00)
COVID-19 Prevention
– Please corporate with our COVID-19 prevention measures.
-If you do not feel well on the day of the event, please refrain from participating.
-The front 2 rows are off limits. Please make sure to be one seat away from the person next to you. (If you have young children and would like to be seated next to them, feel free to speak to a staff.)
-Please refrain from exchanging presents inside the facility.