About Us

Imaoikiruhito Resonance Harmony was established with the vision to “contribute to world peace through Gasshō (Japanese chorus music)”.

Resonance Harmony refers to the harmony created by our singing which resonates with the hearts of those who hear it. The energy produced by this resonance elevates into beautiful music and spreads throughout the world.

Imaoikiruhito Resonance Harmony Performance History

September 2017 Established
March 2018   Participation in the Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Concert hosted by the Embassy of Japan in Cairo, Egypt
September 2019 Concert tour in Washington D.C., U.S.A.
        ーMemorial concert for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. at a local church
        ーMini-concert at Union Station Main Hall
        ーConcert with local Japanese Americans at the Japanese Ambassador’s residence
May 2021    Concert in Hakuba, Japan “New Voyage: A Blooming Cosmos and Beyond”
January 2022   Concert in Tokyo “Wakachikara – Resonance Harmony in the Universe”
June 2023    Performance in France “Gasshō” en France 2023 – Une Nouvelle Ére Commence”
        ーConcerts at three churches in Strasbourg and Paris
        ーJoint concert with a local choir at Saint-Sulpice Church in Paris